What you need to know about Dutch employee benefits

An article by Van Luin


An employee benefits (EB) package is important for both the employer and employee. Take ten different countries where you could start a business or where you would like to work, and you will experience ten different EB packages. Why? An employee benefits package complements the government services and these services differ per country.

Below you will find the headlines of the 5 most important insurable employee benefits in the Netherlands, from both an employee and employer perspective.

Employee benefits from an employee perspective

  • Healthcare
    Healthcare is 100% the concern of the employee. You have to arrange your own Dutch health insurance and please note: basic insurance is compulsory. This basic health insurance package can be complemented with additional coverages.
  • Illness
    If you get ill your employer will pay your salary. Regularly for 100% in the first year and 70% in the second year of illness.
  • Disability
    If you are still ill after 24 months, an employee can receive a temporary payment of the government based on a maximum legal salary. Your employer can also provide additional coverage.
  • Retirement
    This is an important one. Retirement is an expensive benefit, but mostly paid for by your employer.
  • Survivors
    In case of the death of an employee a partner or children can receive income. There is a theoretical payment to a partner or children by the government, but that payment is often practically negligible.

Employee benefits from an employer perspective

  • Healthcare
    Taking care of a health insurance is in the Netherlands a private issue for Dutch citizens. The employer has no obligations towards his employees. A group healthcare scheme can however lead to some discount for the employees.
  • Illness
    When an employee gets ill, you must pay his salary for a period of maximum of twenty four months. No matter what the cause of the illness of disability is. You can take out an insurance to cover costs.
  • Disability
    The Dutch government takes care of the basic provisions in case of disability of an employee. You as an employer can add to this coverage.
  • Retirement
    If your company is connected to a general pension fund you have an obligation to register your company. In other cases, there is a variety in choices.
  • Survivors
    Income on behalf of the widow or widower. Legally not an employer’s concern but it is appreciated if an employer takes care.

Want to know more?

When you have questions about employee benefits in the Netherlands as employee or as  employer, don’t hesitate to contact our partner Van Luin in De Bilt (near Utrecht). Their EB team is willing to inform and advise you and will be happy to answer your questions. Feel free to contact Mrs. Corinne van Vuuren or Mr. Geert-Jan Brouwer. A first meeting or consult (also possible via Teams meeting) is free of charge. Visit the Van Luin Website for more information (www.vanluin.nl) or give them a call +31-30-2326321.